Blue Oasis
Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
HIV is a pathetic virus once it is outside the body, it can't survive for long in some needle which has been sitting exposed to the air. drug users get the virus from eachother because usually there is a short gap between one user injecting to the other.
Plus as some of you have said, it's not true, but if on the odd chance it is, God keep us all in his protection.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Shahenshah said:
Chandramuki said:
Shahenshah said:
mutual respect..well yeah...and then again...if u respect them, then u listen to them too rite...
mutual, so they listen to me and return the respect as well.
but wot if they r not the type of person who goes out and party hard with friends...etc etc...where as u r the kind who goes out with friend all the time and wish to do that even after will that work...
i don't know how it would work, prevention is the best cure so marry someone who shares similar interests as you - or introduce the person to your hobbies.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Dear JB journal, i got back home yesterday! missed my family and friends like mad. the trip was great, still not telling where exactly i went though i meet some great people and learned loads of stuff, some increadibly benificial and some... not so but at least i now know what PATASA is!
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Obviously the couple have to make adjustments, but that doesn;t mean they can't do the things they enjoyed as single people, they just need to reagrange their routines around it a little.
i wouldn't neglect my responsibities as a wife and go out to see my friends and that's the only valid objection a husband can have in my eyes from stopping his wife from having her own will. At the end of the day I was a person first and wife after.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
oh bloody that damn add made erazed my entry. basically mutual respect is important, and i personally am not insecure or possive or afraid of one his girl mates becoming my home wreker, i'm strong enough and sure enough of myself to know he won't creep.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Reckless Tesh said:
ashkhan said:
Reckless Tesh said:
Don't waste your time pondering about us girls, no two people are alike and there're no 'secrets'. If you want to understand your guy, be heartfelt and genuine to him, if his heart and mind are in the right place, he'll be like that right back.
tesh u sound like a real deep romantic.
i bet u know how 2 keep ur girl happy.
You say the nicest things, about your second line: you'll have to ask the girl.
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ashkhan said:
oh my god so fine tesh if that is his pic, cos it seems too model like to b true.
chada sis r u ok sis, hes sooooo , if he hits on u then feel ur knees weaken. the guys fine, man,
come see him on the web cam someday, he loves showing off and you then you can see that it really is him i still don't know what the fuss is about - he is just 'okay' looking .
as for the quality of the pic, i'll say in his favour - for the first and last time, he has a wicked digi cam, the pics he took at my cousin's wedding were better than the ones the professional photographer took
Blue Oasis
Age: 125
7327 days old here
Total Posts: 1903
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
yes very fluently it's his mother tongue really since his mum speaks urdu as well, he prays and fasts and everything like a good practising muslim.
it's such a laugh when apnay start speaking urdu around him in town, like he won't understand and then he says something in panjabi to one of our friends and the people will be and